30.Mar.2023, 16.00: Kansallismuseo

30.Mar.2023, 16.00: Kansallismuseo
Photo from Kansallismuseo ↗.
  • Date: 30.03.2023
  • Hellos and getting comfortable: 16.00
  • Meet: at the entrance to Kansallismuseo. If sunny, outdoors by the statue of a bear. Please refrain from smoking. If anything is falling from the sky, indoors opposite the counters. Look for people wearing black and white. One person will be wearing a black hat.
  • Cost: No club fees, 0 EUR ticket with Museokortti ↗
  • Entry time: 16:30
Tip: When talking with people, leave plenty of room beside yourself for another person to politely join your conversation!

Check out the destination: https://www.kansallismuseo.fi/en/kansallismuseo ↗

About the Club
The Museo(kortti) Club is mailing list for people who want to get more use out of their museokortti.